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Busters coke diet mentos myth - men fuel fare mentos story

01-02-2017 à 15:27:55
Busters coke diet mentos myth
Dropping an electrical appliance into a bath can be deadly, but modern GFCI devices prevent this. A sailboat stranded in calm water can move forward using an on-board fan to blow air into its own sail. The tip of a whip breaks the sound barrier when it cracks. MacGyver could have stopped an acid leak with a chocolate bar. Escaping from Alcatraz using rafts made from rain ponchos is feasible. Finding a needle in a haystack is difficult, even with modern technology. A tornado can propel window glass with enough speed to decapitate a person. Falling from great heights onto water can be highly destructive, but it still is not as bad as falling onto pavement. An MP3 player cannot be charged by simply plugging it into an onion. Indiana Jones running through a corridor of dart launchers without getting injured in Raiders of the Lost Ark is plausible. A human head dipped in liquid nitrogen for five seconds will not shatter when hit, as seen in Jason X. Metal body piercings do not attract lighting, nor do metal-cleated shoes. Using a system of mirrors to light an underground passage with sunlight, as seen in The Mummy, is extremely difficult. In The Empire Strikes Back, Han Solo using a Tauntaun carcass (or any large mammal) to keep Luke warm is feasible. A superhuman punch to the hood of a moving SUV will not cause it to somersault, as seen in Hellboy. A CD can shatter if spun too fast, but CD-ROMs do not spin fast enough to cause this. Dissolving a stockpile of antacid tablets to generate pressure will not help someone bust out of jail. A person falling from a building cannot survive by holding a large sheet of plywood above their head or by opening an umbrella. An ordinary playing card cannot be thrown with enough power to be lethal. Under the right circumstances, a taser may ignite someone who has just been pepper sprayed. A needle thrown at glass cannot pierce the glass without shattering it. The tryptophan in turkey is not what makes people tired. The passengers in a city bus do not need to move to one side during a fast, sharp turn to prevent the bus from flipping over, as seen in Speed. A car door cannot be unlocked using a tennis ball to force air into the lock. A metal-brimmed hat could not be thrown to knock the head off a statue, as seen in Goldfinger. Redditors asked MythBusters if Buster would survive a fall from a helicopter if he was in one of those inflatable hamster balls. If a steel cable snaps, it will not cut a person in two. The pressure will also prevent the windows from being rolled down, and keys, cell phones, and steel-toed boots will be ineffective at breaking the windows. A black car will heat up faster than a white one. A huge ball made of Legos will break apart when it is rolled downhill. Transforming a broken-down car into a working motorcycle with only basic hand tools is not feasible. ). The crab pots used on Deadliest Catch are not indestructible. A car in free fall will not stay upright. A prisoner could not have escaped alive by loading ball-and-chain into a cannon and firing himself over the prison wall. A thief may be able to fill a safe with water and open it using an explosive, without damaging the contents. A person can hold onto the roof or hood of a car while it crashes through cardboard boxes or goes through a car wash, but not while it makes a big turn or zig-zags. The MythBusters tested over 1,000 distinct myths in 271 hour-long episodes spanning 14 years, resulting in a vast amount of information about common myths and interesting phenomena. A person in a lawn chair can be lifted by weather balloons and a child can be lifted by a huge number of party balloons. Eating poppy seeds can lead to a positive drug test for opioids. During a lightning storm, a person can be electrocuted by talking on a corded phone and possibly by taking a shower. Using a cell phone while pumping gas will not cause an explosion. A clothed snowman melts slower than a naked one. Truly insane, in his words. A person can only hang on to a thin ledge briefly before falling, but it is possible for a single person to rescue someone hanging from a ledge. A skydiver could not have fallen onto a seesaw and safely launched a child to the top of a seven-story building. To keep needles from falling out a Christmas tree, Viagra, bleach, and hairspray may work, but urethane, pain reliever medicine, soda, and fertilizer will not. A car that jumps off a ramp will not land with little damage, as see in The Dukes of Hazard. ). An inflatable zorb ball is not effective at cushioning a fall. A rock kicked up by a lawnmower can deliver the same force as a bullet. If poop hits a fan it can indeed create a large mess. If denim pants are soaked in certain farm chemicals, they can spontaneously combust. A glass of water can superheat in a microwave and boil over dangerously when removed. It is feasible to equip a car with a discreet seat ejector, as seen in Austin Powers in Goldmember. Chrome ball-chain can appear to levitate as it falls from a container. Walking over hot coals is possible because ash forms an insulating layer and because the contact time is brief. A person wrapped in bubble wrap will not survive a significant fall. Quicksand does not exist with the characteristics show in movies. A lock can be picked using filaments from a light bulb. Steel prison bars can be cut using dental floss and toothpaste, but it takes a very long time. Two phone books with interlocked pages require on the order of 8,000 pounds of force to be separated. Is it possible to survive two explosions by standing directly between them. Could a tanker car being steam-cleaned in inclement weather REALLY implode. A train will not be derailed if coins are placed on the tracks. A carton of milk will not contain the muzzle flash of a pistol, as seen in Kiss the Girls. People can easily recognize the backs of their own hands. A heat detector can be fooled using a sheet of glass or a fire proximity suit. For the MythBusters finale, Adam drives a truck through 14 years of props. Sandblasting a PVC pipe will not build up a lethal static charge. A banana peel on the ground is not guaranteed to make someone fall when they step on it, as seen in cartoons. Pykrete is stronger than ice and it can be used to make a functional, but impractical, boat. You can experience a smoother ride on a rough rode by driving faster. The makeshift ultralight airplane in MacGyver is not feasible. Jamie and Adam come up with the surprising result. An extreme hail storm may be able to sink a boat. A pressure sensor under an item could be carefully squeezed with knife and then held down with tape while the item is taken. Metronomes will synchronize on a sliding platform, but an excessive number will not. Most movie sound effects for punches and explosions are not realistic, but the sound effects for rattle snakes and silenced guns are realistic. Spray sunscreens can be flammable due to the propellants. A piano dropped on a house will not easily fall through the roof. If the windows are down, it is easier to hold on to the roof. Falling or jumping through glass windows without injury is not realistic. You cannot pop popcorn instantly with an explosion, and popping popcorn with a pressure vessel is not the fasted method due to the required preparation. Catch up on Seasons 10-17 with a subscription. The scene in Cliffhanger in which the hero leaps to safety from a collapsing rope bridge is not feasible. A pane of plate glass dropped from sufficient height can cut a person in half, but tempered glass will just crush the person. The improvised cannon made of a log in The A-Team is not feasible. Launching a human with water bottle rockets is not feasible. During a sudden stop, the hood can be held onto but not the bare roof. A trombonist could not have launched his mute with a firecracker, knocking over the conductor and blowing open his trombone. A bull in a china shop will actively avoid hitting the shelves. An arrow with dynamite attached will not split a tree down the middle when it explodes. A large truck cannot plow through two lanes of traffic and continue undeterred, but it can if it has a steel wedge attached to its front. It may be possible to blow open a lock with black powder from revolver cartridges, but it is not as easy as shown in MacGyver. During a zombie apocalypse, is it better to have a gun or an ax. Once the car interior is flooded, the doors can be opened again. Water that has been microwaved (and cooled) is not harmful to plants. Taking candy from a baby is not as easy as it sounds. It is possible to make a balloon out of lead. Is it possible for a household vacuum cleaner to create enough suction to lift a full-sized car. Spraying a light bulb with liquid from a spray bottle can break it, as shown in MacGyver. A small car can be lifted into the air by fire hoses. A household vacuum cleaner can lift a car via suction. It is possible to get free energy using a coil of wire under a power line, but getting enough to power a house is not practical. It may be possible to liquefy the inside of a whole fruit with an explosion and drink from it with a straw. If a car is driven into water, there is very little time to open the doors before the water pressure becomes too great. It is possible to quickly reload and fire a pistol, as seen in movies. Cows emit greenhouse gases and cow manure can be used to generate electricity. It is not possible for a person to punch out of a coffin as depicted in Kill Bill and it is only possible to dig out of a shallow grave with an open coffin. Diamonds can be made, however, by compressing graphite with a huge amount of explosives. The pirates in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl could not have improvised a submarine by holding a rowboat upside down as they walked underwater. ). A lava lamp or a can of beans heated on a stove can explode with lethal force. Home Video Episodes Myth Results Photos Bios Features Schedule Shop. Climbing an air duct using magnets or suction cups is possible, but too noisy to be useful. An umbrella that shoots poison capsules could be a lethal weapon. A manhole cover could potentially be launched by an explosion to disable a vehicle, as seen in The A-Team. The scene in The Simpsons where Homer blocks a wrecking ball with his body has some feasibility. Soldiers marching on a bridge could cause a harmonic oscillation resulting in a collapse, but it is very unlikely. A frozen chicken penetrates aircraft and train windshields better than a thawed one. A compressed air cylinder can blast itself through a concrete wall, but a boat cannot be effectively powered by one. A single grocery line leading to multiple checkouts is slower but fairer than multiple lines. Fire can be started by a bullet fired from a musket, by polishing a soda can with chocolate, by rubbing two sticks together, by a car battery and steel wool, or by focusing light with ice. A car cannot realistically be driven through a fruit stand or a camper trailer, but it could be driven through a chain link gate or under a semi-trailer. A large number of cigarette lighters in a hot car could lead to a lethal explosion. It is not possible to swallow a spoonful of ground cinnamon without drinking water. (But also AWESOME. It is not easy to drive a car and shoot a gun while the passenger steers. An SUV will not flip over if hit by an RPG. Superglue can be used to attach a furniture to a ceiling, creating the illusion of an upside-down room. It is not possible for a person to catch a bullet with their teeth. During a rooftop chase, jumping into a dumpster may allow survival. A bullet fired into the surface of a frozen lake can spin like a top after impact. The vortex from a passing train will not suck a person into the tracks. A person can briefly wet their hand and dip it into molten lead without injury. Water falling in front of a speaker can appear to freeze in place on camera. A C-4 explosion will not knock a golf ball into the hole as seen in Caddyshack. Greenhouse gases do increase the amount of heat absorbed by air. A urine-soaked silk shirt will not bend prison bars when wrapped around and twisted, as seen in Shanghai Noon. A bus could not jump a 50-foot gap and keep driving, as seen in Speed. Pouring water on a grease fire will cause a large fireball, but a very large quantity of water can put a grease fire out. An axe is a more effective weapon against zombies than a gun. It may be possible to snag a branch with a whip and swing across a chasm, as seen in Raiders of the Lost Ark. A working speaker cannot be improvised from a paper plate, a penny, a mini jack, and tin foil.

In Titanic, Jack may have been able to survive by joining Rose on the floating debris. A shop vacuum will not act like a jet engine if it sucks up gasoline. Wind alone cannot blow the feathers off a chicken. The heat from Christmas lights will not ignite a Christmas tree. A person will not be thrown backwards when struck by a bullet. A pool of dense gas can make a tin foil boat appear to float in the air. A whole coconut can be mailed without packaging. A car door cannot be unlocked by transmitting the keyless entry signal through a cell phone call. Illegal immigrants could not be launched over the U. A ball thrown backwards from a moving vehicle, at the same speed as the vehicle, will fall straight down. A bomb in a truck filled with cement will damage the truck and injure bystanders, not be fully contained as shown in MacGyver. A piece of straw will not penetrate through a palm tree if propelled by hurricane-force winds. A person may be able to survive falling through layers of awnings, as seen in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. A lock becomes easier to break when frozen with liquid nitrogen. Diamonds cannot be fabricated by combining chemicals in a pressure cooker, by putting charcoal and peanut butter in a microwave, or by cooling molten graphite and iron. Falling out of an airplane is not survivable if a bomb explodes below you. A mattress floating on water is not effective at cushioning a three-story fall, as seen in Burn Notice. A soldier who strapped jet-assisted take-off (JATO) rockets to his car could not have soared over a mile through the air. A high-rise office worker can accidentally run through a plate-glass window and fall to their death. A penny dropped from a skyscraper will not gain enough speed to kill a pedestrian. Explosives cannot be used to throw a bulldozer off a car without hurting passengers in the car, as seen in The Green Hornet. A frozen can of shaving cream will not fill up a car if cut open and thawed. The shock wave from an explosion will not throw a person long distances through the air. Specially built vehicles can withstand tornadoes and it is possible to build a portable tornado shelter. Realistic face masks like those in the Mission Impossible series may be effective at fooling people. A motion detector can be fooled by moving very slowing or by holding a bed sheet in front of you, but not by wearing heavily-padded clothing. S. The following overview attempts to summarize and categorize the results of the entire MythBusters series as succinctly as possible. After an extremely challenging episode, Jamie and Adam have the answer. If a person is dragged by a horse, their jeans will not catch fire. A burnt-out fuse can be repaired with tin foil, as shown in MacGyver. It is not feasible to improvise a parachute from materials in a hotel room. The Ewoks could crush an AT-ST between two logs if it flies into the trap, as seen in Return of the Jedi. A passing snowplow does not move enough air to flip a car. Sound waves can put out a flame, but an unamplified human voice cannot. In Live and Let Die, the speedboat jumping off a ramp and continuing on is feasible. A high fall over water cannot be survived by throwing a hammer to break the surface tension of the water. Discovery GO - Watch Full Episodes and Live TV. Sea water will not conduct electricity from a car battery as seen in Deep Blue Sea, nor can a person survive an underwater explosion at close distances. A limousine balanced on the edge of a cliff will not topple if a bird lands on it. Liquid nitrogen can be used to cool a pressure-triggered bomb and delay its detonation, as seen in Lethal Weapon 2. A glass jug of milk and a can of potted meat will also explode, but less forcefully. A cigarette lighter is not likely to explode in a pocket, in a laundry dryer, or on a car dashboard, but it is likely explode when hit with a golf club or when placed near welding tools. If thrown into a fire, a fire extinguisher can explode and put the fire out, depending on the type of fire extinguisher. A person wearing jeans cannot be killed from the jeans shrinking excessively in a hot bath. A tuxedo worn under a dry suit can still be presentable after a scuba dive, as seen in Goldfinger. The equinoxes are not the only days you can balance an egg on its end. A driver and passenger in a car can switch seats while moving at speed, and the passenger can push out an incapacitated driver and continue driving. A heavy insect hitting a motorcycle rider in the right spot could kill the rider. Shooting a lock with handguns will not break it, as seen in Big Trouble in Little China, but shooting it with shotgun slugs or a high-power rifle could. For the MythBusters finale, Adam drives a truck through 14 years of props. A stick of dynamite thrown under a car on a frozen lake will not cause the car to sink. It could be possible, over years, to corrode prison bars using salsa. A person with metal teeth could not bite through a steel cable, as seen in Moonraker. We gathered a collection of Kari Byron pictures from the series Mythbusters. The heads of many matches can be collected to create a large fireball. Bean. A spear with a shotgun shell on its tip is not a feasible weapon, as seen in The Grey. An avalanche will not be caused by a person yodeling, the sound of whip cracking, or people firing small guns at the mountain. Objects of different mass fall at the same rate. A car will not necessarily end up on fire after crashing down a cliff. The Red Cross does not implant microchips in your bloodstream when you donate blood. A line of black powder leaking from a barrel may be able to function like a fuse, as seen in cartoons. A certain series of Rube Goldberg-like accidents involving a barrel of bricks is not realistic. Luke Skywalker swinging across a chasm using his grappling hook is feasible, as seen in A New Hope. border using a giant slingshot. Leaving on a light is not more efficient than turning it off and back on. If two hammers strike each other they will not shatter with lethal force, nor will a hammer that strikes an anvil. A truck carrying birds will not be lighter if the birds are flying instead of standing. Driving at night without headlights is not an effective way to smuggle contraband. A boom lift cannot throw its operator great distances. It is plausible to disarm a pistol-wielding opponent using a whip, as seen in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Throwing a wooden pole into the spokes of a motorcycle will not cause it to flip, as seen in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. In a race, it is not literally better to hit the ground running. With some modifications, the front half of a car cut in two can be driven, as seen in The Green Hornet. Microwaving metal will not blow up the microwave. Being completely covered in gold paint will not kill a person by skin asphyxiation, as seen in Goldfinger. Movie gun fights are unrealistically long and running through gunfire does not protect a person from being hit. Dropping alkali metals into water will not create huge explosions, and sodium and water will not blow a hole in a wall. Vacuuming up black powder will not cause an explosion. Can you juice the inside of fruits and vegetables using explosives. Microwaving a jawbreaker can result in an explosion of molten sugar when the jawbreaker is bitten. A household washing machine does not have the strength to spin a flailing man. If a car crashes through a sheet of glass held by workers, the workers will likely be injured. Making a usable candle out of earwax, as seen in Shrek, is not possible. A stick of dynamite would more likely kill a prisoner than help the prisoner escape. The ballpoint pen bomb seen in Golden Eye could be fatal, but not as powerful as depicted. Jumping from a plane and floating to earth safely in an inflatable life raft, as seen in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, is not possible. Some optical fingerprint readers can be fooled by a fingerprint etched in latex, a fingerprint in ballistics gel, and a paper copy that has been licked. In a car crash, a surfboard on the roof of one car will not fly through the windshield of another car, as seen in Lethal Weapon 2. Hollywood movies were a frequent source of myths for the MythBusters. A sword cannot cut off the blade of another sword, as seen in The Count of Monte Cristo. A strike-anywhere match can be lit by a bullet fired from a pistol. A shotgun plugged by a finger will not backfire and injure the shooter, as seen in cartoons. Adam Savage has been in the cast of the Mythbusters since its inception in 2003 as seen in these pictures. A modern safe cannot be cracked using a stethoscope, but it could be cracked by drilling a hole and visually aligning the tumblers. Ladies and gentlemen, Jamie and Adam have LEFT the building. Folding a piece of paper in half more than seven times is possible. A person can hang off the landing skid of a helicopter and climb into it. A laser can pop popcorn, but popcorn could not break open a house as seen in Real Genius. A railroad tanker car can implode after being steam cleaned and then sealed and cooled, but only if it has prior damage. Is it possible to fuel a rocket using gummy bears. A person cannot survive a free-falling elevator by jumping at the last moment before it hits the ground. A dog bowl can focus enough sunlight to start a fire. Neon signs will not explode in a shower of sparks if struck by a bullet. Truly insane, in his words. A person will stay drier by running in the rain than by walking. An RFID tag will not explode if placed inside an MRI scanner. An MRI scanner will not cause tattoos to explode, nor will a radio transmitter. A hovercraft can be used to cross a minefield safely. A scuba diver cannot be sucked up by a firefighting helicopter and dumped onto a fire. Sounds cannot be recovered from the grooves of old pottery. A cable attaching the rear axle of a car to a light post will not yank the rear axle out, as seen in American Graffiti. A bullet fired horizontally will land at the same time as a bullet dropped from the same height. A car can drive into a moving semi-trailer via a ramp, as seen in Knight Rider. A sports car at high speed can skip across a lake, as seen in Cannonball, but launching off a ramp is counterproductive. The tensioned strings in a burning piano will not pop. Carrying a dead body is reasonably easy, but digging a shallow grave is not. A tidal whirlpool cannot sink a container ship or fishing trawler, but it could sink a person. Making a stun gun that delivers a shock over a stream of water is possible but highly impractical. A person cannot escape through a floor by shooting a ring around themself, as seen in Underworld. Suction cups could also be used to climb a building. (But also AWESOME. It is not easy to light a pool of gasoline using a cigarette. Tory Belleci has been with Mythbusters since the beginning in 2003 as seen in these pictures. It would be difficult to outrun a large zombie horde, but a barricaded door could stop them. It is not best to leave windows open during a hurricane. (The phenomenon can also be used to partially extinguish a house fire or to power a cannon. A horse could not pull the bars out a prison window. A vehicle with square wheels can provide a smooth ride if driven fast, but square wheels do not give an advantage in hill climbing. An airplane can take off from a runway that is moving backwards like a treadmill. A car cannot fire a grappling hook around a pole to make a sharp turn, as seen in Batman. A prison inmate may be able to make a lethal crossbow out of newspaper. A stick of dynamite dropped in a bucket of paint will not fully paint the room, as seen in Mr. Shooting at a propane tank will not cause it to explode, as seen in Casino Royale. Glass cannot be silently cut open by gently cutting a circle and removing it with a suction cup, but drilling a hole does work without too much noise. The area near a fireplace is colder than the rest of the room while a fire is burning. A faulty water heater can explode and shoot through the roof of a house, even a two-story house. Laser beam detectors cannot be dodged using night vision goggles or cosmetic powder to reveal them, or by pointing another laser at the detector. Bullets cannot be curved around an obstacle by swinging a gun, as seen in Wanted. A Corvette cannot act as a ramp enabling another car to do a barrel roll. Jason Bourne blowing up a house with a gas leak and a magazine in Bourne Supremacy is not feasible. Water can quickly slow a bullet to non-lethal speeds, as seen in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Sliding down a supersized water slide and launching large distances into a kiddie pool is not feasible. If a truck filled with bottled wine catches fire, the corks will blow out and sound like a machine gun.

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